Saturday 20 January 2018

It's the time of the year again!! Elections!!

It's a brand new session again. Elections , down the corner , close in our hearts once again. Believe it's gonna be End March 2018. Make it count peeps.

Do your part my Malaysian friends. Do vote and exercise your rights.

Make it happen. Nuff said , and more action please.

Monday 7 May 2012

Some game achievements - Utopia

Yay , some achievement afterall. It looks like we could end up 2nd place for honor ranking at this age.
Cool indeed. Go Pyros!

Monday 30 April 2012

Bersih 3.0 - my takings

Rally wasn't my cup of tea all these while. During the last 2.0 rally , one of my friend challenge me to see for myself. I asked myself , what do i have to lose ? Heck , a measely RM 135 ringgit for a hotel room the night before.

So off i go , packing away , booking the hotel room more then 2 weeks prior to the event. This time around , told myself i would get a first hand information , untainted from any parties. Seeing is believing as i told myself.

8.30 am , i am strolling around the entrance of Dataran Merdeka. I see signs of "Dataran Tak Merdeka" . What a pun intended. People started gathering as early as yesterday evening. Many turnout for this historical event. Chinese young couples , those with children as young as infants turn up. Those really gave me the boost that i have done the right thing by going also.

My fellow mate turn up slightly pass 10.00 am. By then it was packed , and many more started strolling in by noon. As the saying goes , seeing is believing. I had many malay uncles chatting with me , having fun while exchanging our views. Many share the same sentiments , that the electoral isn't fair , and it's rigged to the favor of the rulling coalition. I have seen many people of all races , chinese , malay , indians , punjabi's , even kwai lou as in our native calling for caucasians turning up for this event.
It was a peaceful and fun event. I lost my voice yelling to folks to sit down , a.k.a. "DUDUK" , and many followed the directive so that all can see what's happening at the front.
Never had i seen so many people gathering around in one accord , unified in one directive. I am proud of Malaysians.

This was all good , till it was overshadowed by barbaric acts of our PDRM. (Police Force).
I was once told that PDRM was a discipline body , taking tons & tons of training and that our police force is well trained and listen's well to orders.

I learned today how false is that. Tan Sri Ismail Omar has lost total control of this boys. They were running around KL as barbarians , intimidating the rakyat , beating those people wearing yellow shirts. None were sparred. Innocent people who has been caught by police , being severely beaten up by police who are trigger happy. If there is one person who deserved beating , in this case it should be the head police (IGP ). SHAME ON YOU !!!!! And you dare to call yourself a discipline squad.

With this , i asked our IGP to step down , together with your current entire police leadership. This is because you are unable to control your goons , making you the biggest culprit. 3 days have past , and i have yet to see any Police brought to justice . Home minister , you're next. My calls for you to resign and vacate your position remains. Show me one innocent Malaysian who deserved beatings like dogs. Stop telling me that you're policemen got hit. Why don't you talk about the innocent people that got Hit? What happen is your tongue suddenly got tied ?

I urge again , anyone who reads this , call for the resignation of the IGP & The home minister. This is not a plea , but it's an ultimatum. Malaysians should never be treated like dogs. No one in this world deserves such treatment.
SHAME ON YOU Tan Sri Ismail Omar. Don't call yourself the head police , call yourself the shameless person who lies. If you have any pride in yourself , resign and take responsibility over the actions of your so called "Discipline squad".
I saw in one lane at Masjid India , within 5 minutes , more then 10 person got "whacked" by police brutality. We video it , post it on youtube for the rest of the world to see your goons wrongdoings.
One even got whacked sitting in the car , harassed from car till he came down and ate your goons beatings. SHAME ON YOU.

I've seen it with my own eyes. Now i urge you Malaysians , Do come for the next rally ( if there is any) Come and see for yourself. Looking at youtube's video's ain't the same as watching it with your bare eyes. Come and do your part as Malaysians.
Call for the resignation of IGP. Call for the home minister resignation. Someone must pay .
Remember the power is in the hands of "Rakyat". No one can strip that away from you.
Come i urge you  , stand up for what's right and do not be afraid. I will be there for the next rally.
Be there or be Square.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Dilemma over - A new environment , a new breath of life

Daring and bold move , giving up bonuses for a new job. Smart ? Stupid ?
I wonder , however i do sincerely believe it's a good change.

Rather then sitting down in the corner , enjoying my warm chair , let's spice things up and make a change.
A change that would bring better life ? better scope ? And not to mention a new perspective.

It's funny how this industry is so wide , yet so small. I just came about to know 6 different people who got new jobs via ex-colleagues recommendations. Co-incidence ? It's for you think decide.
But i do think it's a lack of Chinese male in this industry , capable of making the cut.
Call me brash , call me dreamy..but i do hope it's the case.

Anyway , clocking out. Just another grunt down the road. Wish me all the best.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Does Malaysia Have a future? Are our commoner voices heard ?

The ongoing debates over politicians squandering our hard earn taxpayers money is driving me nuts.
Everyday i pick up the paper , read from the netizens , and all i see is foolishness after foolishness.
Somehow it doesn't end. Day by day , more ingenius ways are cropped up by slimy politicians to empty our coffers..

It's boils down to my question. Does Malaysia have a future? Should i even defend my belief that " Migrating isn't a solution ? " bogs me....My wife tells me about nice stories during the period where she worked at the states....
I go around preaching to my fellow mates about Malaysia , and how we should not just vote , but spread the word to the rural folks. But i am tired. Is it really worth it ?

Can our words as commoner reach the pinnacles of the administration?....
Grunts after grunts....and another day past....